Upcoming Publication:

Purpose and Effect of EU Refugee and Asylum Policy in the Forerun of the 2024 EU Parliamentary Elections

The recent agreement of different EU bodies on a common approach to refugee and asylum policy can be understood as part of the election campaign kick-off towards the June 2024 European parliamentary election. In detention-like external camps on the EU’s borders, asylum applications are decided in fast-track procedures. The definition of safe third countries is being extended and additional crisis regulation allows for a tightening of asylum regulations and acceleration of deportation procedures. These EU policies are accompanied by stricter rules in many European countries.

With this publication, the Zetkin Forum wants to provide a basis for debate by putting the current measures to “fend off refugees” and the background to these political developments in the different countries side by side. It is clear that people will continue to be forced to leave their homes to escape wars, hunger and crises that threaten their existence. So what is the actual purpose and effect of the refugee policy of the EU and the countries of Europe.

With contributions from Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Spanish State, Switzerland, UK. To be published May 2024.